Helpful Things for Seniors Living Alone

Man At Home In Kitchen Looking At Tablet
January 5th, 2023

The idea of living alone can be daunting for many seniors, especially those who are used to living with family or loved ones. But with the right tools, seniors can feel safe and comfortable while living independently. Here are some items that seniors should consider investing in to make their lives easier and more enjoyable.

Essential Items for Independent Senior Living

Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology is becoming increasingly popular among all ages, including seniors. Smart home devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home allow you to control your lights, thermostat, door locks, security systems, and other appliances with just a few simple voice commands. With these devices, there’s no need to fumble around for switches or remotes—just ask Alexa or Google Assistant to do it for you!

Medical Alert Systems

A medical alert systems is a device that allows seniors to call for help in the event of an emergency. A medical alert system with fall detection has the capabilities to call for help even when someone is unable to press the button. Lifeline’s home system comes with a base station that is connected to your phone line or Wi-Fi network, as well as a wearable button (worn around the neck or wrist) that allows you to call for help at any time. Lifeline’s mobile system, which you wear around your neck, includes an advanced GPS locator so that you can quickly get the help you need in your home or on the go.

Robot Vacuums

Robot vacuums have become increasingly popular recently—and not just among senior citizens! These robotic vacuums are designed to autonomously clean your floors while you relax or take care of other tasks. Some models even come with sensors that help them avoid obstacles like furniture and stairs so they won’t get stuck or crash into anything. Plus, most robot vacuums are relatively quiet so they won’t disturb your peace and quiet.

Fall Prevention Items

Safety should always come first when it comes to seniors living on their own. Investing in items that prevent falls or assist with mobility is key. Some of these items may include grab bars for the shower, raised toilet seats, shower benches, elevated bath chairs, and mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers. These items allow seniors to feel secure while moving around their homes.

Organizers and Helpers

It can be difficult for seniors to keep track of daily tasks and errands, which is why investing in organizers or helpers can be so beneficial. There are apps and devices specifically designed for seniors that help them remember to take their medications on time, pay bills, organize meals, keep up with appointments, and more. With the help of these devices, seniors can stay organized and on top of their daily tasks with ease.

Bathroom Aids

Bathroom aids can make a huge difference for seniors who have difficulty getting in and out of the shower or bathtub. Items such as long-handled sponges, non-slip mats, and handheld showers are all great options to help them stay safe while bathing. This can also be extremely helpful for seniors who may need assistance bathing or using the restroom.

Kitchen Aids

Similar to bathroom aids, kitchen aids such as automatic food choppers and blenders are available that can help seniors prepare meals more easily. Additionally, there are microwaves with large-print displays or voice command options that make it easier for seniors to use them. There are also products that can help seniors open bottles, jars, and cans with ease. Investing in these items can help make mealtime much more enjoyable for seniors.

Large-Button Phones

Having a phone that is easy to use can be essential for seniors who live alone. Large-button phones have become increasingly popular, as they make dialing and using the phone much simpler than traditional models. Many also come with features such as amplified sound, caller ID, emergency buttons, and more so that seniors can stay connected to their loved ones and be contacted in case of an emergency.


It’s important for seniors living alone at home to feel secure in their own space—and items like medical alert systems and robot vacuums can help make it happen! Investing in these items can provide peace of mind and make life easier for seniors who want to remain independent without sacrificing their safety or comfort. Consider adding one of these smart items into your life today!