Caregivers' Frequently Asked Questions

At Lifeline, our goal is to make independent living easy for seniors and their caregivers. If you have a question about caring for your loved ones, you may be able to find the answer here.

When Seniors Fall

Lifeline systems with fall detection are sleek wearables that use two different technologies to more accurately detect falls, avoid false alarms (a leading reason people don’t like wearing alert devices), and call for help whether your parent presses the button or not. Learn more about why Lifeline’s fall detection technology is right for your loved one.

When Seniors Have an Emergency

You’re right to worry about unforeseen emergencies. On the Go is perfect for active seniors who spend a lot of time outside the home, enabling them to request assistance from any location at any time. The HomeSafe medical alert system is designed for homebound seniors, providing a 24/7/365 virtual companion that’s just a button press away.

Our call center agents, accessed through a HomeSafe or On the Go system, are ready to assist even when your parent has a non-medical need, such as when she or he is locked out, requires roadside assistance, or needs to report a burglary or fire.

For Active Seniors

Our On the Go mobile system gives your active parent the freedom to pursue their interests and activities with the confidence and security of knowing help is a button push away. This wearable is waterproof, so it can be worn even in the bath or shower, where almost 36 percent of home-based fall injuries occur.

If a fall occurs, a quick response is vital. HomeSafe with fall detection senses many types of falls, and can automatically call for help with or without the press of a button, so help is on the way much faster than if your parent called 9-1-1 on their own.*

Lifeline medical alert systems with fall detection give your parent access to support 24/7/365, whether they’re having an emergency, need help after a fall, or are feeling lonely or confused. This “virtual companion” gives you and your parent the confidence to continue living how and where she or he wants to.

Better remote monitoring of your parent’s health and well-being reduces your need to take time off from your job or from other family obligations. Lifeline systems with fall detection sense many types of falls.* That means fewer unnecessary trips for you to check on Mom or Dad or respond to erroneous calls for help.

Lifeline’s On the Go and HomeSafe systems ease the physical and emotional toll of caregiving. When you’re confident your parent is healthy and safe, and when you’re not stressed out over having a too-long to-do list, your relationship with every family member improves.

A key lockbox is a small, secure box that holds a key to your home. It is usually placed near the front door and can only be opened with a specific code. In emergencies, like medical situations, first responders can use the code to quickly enter your home without breaking down the door. Lifeline keeps the code safe, but you can also share it with trusted neighbors, family members, or caregivers. This ensures help is always available when needed.

Add a key lockbox to your Lifeline order for just $2.95/mo. Using a key lockbox can help reduce worry for seniors and their families. It provides a reliable way to enter the home during an emergency, avoids damaging the door, and saves money and stress.