My Lifeline Mobile App Support

Download the App

Download the app using the Apple iOS App Store or Google Play App Store. Search the app store for My Lifeline or download it from the links below.

Create Your Account

  1. Select Create Account and complete all applicable fields.
  2. Select how you would like to receive your Verification Code.
  3. You will be asked to enter your verification code.
  4. Once you have entered the verification code, create your username and password.
  5. Once completed, you can use the username and password to log into the application.

Allow Push Notifications

When you log on for the first time, allow push notifications if you want to be alerted when the user of the system performs certain actions, such as placing an emergency call, testing the system, or receiving a low battery signal.

You Are In!

On the home screen, you have access to all the users that are connected to your account as well as all of the devices for each user.

My Lifeline Mobile App Home Screen